Set Up GIT to Push Projects To GitHub
In this tutorial, We will set up our GIT to push our projects to GitHub.
We will go through the following steps:
- Generate GitHub Access Token
- Download and Install GIT
- Configure GIT
Step 1. Log in to GitHub and Generate Access Token:
This step is pretty self-explanatory. Firstly, we need to create a GitHub account. So go ahead and Sign up if don’t have a GitHub account. After the registration process Log In to your account. Go to settings.
Scroll down to the Developer settings
Go to Fine-grained tokens under Personal access tokens
Hit Generate new token, this might ask you for your password, enter and proceed.
Now it will ask you for a token name and Expiration. You can choose anything as you see fit.
I have selected All repositories since we don’t want to access all the repo. Now click on Repository permissions and give permission to Read and write to Contents, Pull requests, and hit Generate New Token
Now you will get an access token. Make sure to save it somewhere safe. Don’t share it with anyone.
and we are done with the first portion of the tutorial.
Step 2: Download and Install GIT
It’s time to Download GIT on our system. Go to GIT -Downloads, choose and download the suitable application for your system. Install it. I’m not covering the installation part as it is super easy to do.
Note: Make sure to tick the Add to Path checkbox while installing it.
Step 3: Configure GIT
To make sure that you’ve successfully installed it, run git
on your command prompt.
If you see something similar to this you’re good to go. Look into Stackoverflow if you see the following error:
‘git’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
If you successfully installed git, we are almost done. Now run the following command:
git config –global github.token YOUR_API_KEY
Replace it with your Access Token. Voila, now we are done.
Now you are set to push and pull projects to and from GH.